0217m222 ; fibres: 91 & 92 g0222008-204443 & g0223019-204243

blue spectrum

red spectrum

Score = 3

0217m222 Notes: 
   91: chance coincidence of co-equal redshifts
   91: score =  1  
   91: score =  3 ;   
   91: score =  3 ;   not all that compelling

g0222008-204443  g0223019-204243
 fibre pair:  91 92
  674  676  4.918  3.949  9.31
  645  646  4.460  3.527  8.57
  585  587  4.459  3.898  3.64
 1647 1649  4.001  3.949  1.13
 1655 1657  3.803  3.627  1.50
 1587 1588  3.631  3.919  0.52