0238m423 ; fibres: 78 & 79 g0238490-403838 & g0241277-411337

blue spectrum

red spectrum

Score = 4

0238m423 Notes: 
   78: possible cross-talk candidate; fibre 78 is the bright source
   78: score =  4  
   78: score =  3 ;   78 is really strong and strange looking; probably not cros
   78: score =  4 ;   strong broad linees

g0238490-403838  g0241277-411337
 fibre pair:  78 79
  847  849  4.762  4.049  5.16
  752  753  4.118  3.164  8.99
 1745 1746  4.329  3.855  2.98
 1755 1756  4.158  3.774  2.42