0346m252 ; fibres: 6 & 7 g0342112-275151 & g0341343-274919

blue spectrum

red spectrum

Score = 2

0346m252 Notes: 
    6: both fibres about the same flux; coincident redshifts; hard to say what i
s going on
    6: score =  2  
    6: score =  2 ;   
    6: score =  2 ;   

g0342112-275151  g0341343-274919
 fibre pair:  6 7
  610  610  3.614  3.577  1.09
  701  701  3.458  3.918  0.35
 1602 1603  4.503  4.473  1.07
 1612 1613  4.037  3.606  2.70
 1673 1674  3.748  3.831  0.83