0543m223 ; fibres: 74 & 75 g0543059-204014 & g0543061-203117

blue spectrum

red spectrum

Score = 1

0543m223 Notes: 
   74: good cross-talk candidate; fibre 75 is the bright source
   74: score =  3  good cross-talk candidate; fibre 75 is the bright source
   74: score =  3 ;   weak
   74: score =  1 ;   

g0543059-204014  g0543061-203117
 fibre pair:  74 75
  601  600  4.317  4.632  0.48
  691  690  4.302  4.978  0.21
 1593 1592  4.610  4.948  0.46
 1603 1602  4.104  4.156  0.89
 1663 1662  3.942  4.309  0.43
 1672 1671  3.739  4.107  0.43