0551m695 ; fibres: 57 & 58 g0533353-683303 & g0532483-682359

blue spectrum

red spectrum

Score = 4

0551m695 Notes: 
   56: score =  4 ;   fibre 57 is very bright
   57: score =  4 ;   fibre 57 is the bright source; fibre 58 redshift may be ok

g0533353-683303  g0532483-682359
 fibre pair:  56 57
  673  673  4.030  5.735  0.02
 1574 1574  4.189  5.626  0.04
 1980 1978  2.921  4.012  0.08
g0532483-682359  g0530347-680615
 fibre pair:  57 58
  673  671  5.735  3.616131.52
 1574 1574  5.626  3.452149.28