1223m163 ; fibres: 149 & 150 g1224310-184719 & g1222364-181050

blue spectrum

red spectrum

Score = 4

1223m163 Notes: 
  149: good cross-talk candidate; fibre 149 is the bright source
  149: score =  4 ;   good cross-talk candidate; fibre 149 is the bright source

g1224310-184719  g1222364-181050
 fibre pair:  149 150
  659  660  5.845  4.623 16.67
  570  570  5.535  4.219 20.70
  463  463  5.496  4.328 14.72
  630  630  5.381  4.185 15.70
  105  104  4.614  4.055  3.62
 1563 1562  5.822  3.916 80.54
g1224130-175110  g1224310-184719
 fibre pair:  148 149
  570  570  3.485  5.535  0.01