1338m314 ; fibres: 116 & 117 g1339560-313824 & g1347298-320829

blue spectrum

red spectrum

Score = 4

1338m314 Notes: 
  116: cross-talk candidate; fibre 116 is the bright source
  116: score =  4 ;   116 is the bright source; very strong lines

g1339560-313824  g1347298-320829
 fibre pair:  116 117
  664  667  6.634  4.422162.93
  634  636  6.335  4.515 66.07
  574  574  6.256  4.506 56.23
  254  255  5.674  4.407 18.49
 1575 1574  5.503  3.281166.72