blue spectrum |
red spectrum |
Score = 4
2217m253 Notes: 147: good cross-talk candidate 147: good cross-talk candidate; fibre 148 is the brighter source 147: score = 4 good cross-talk candidate; fibre 148 is the brighter source 147: score = 4 ; good cross-talk candidate; fibre 148 is the brighter sourc e
g2219507-262030 g2217412-272155 fibre pair: 147 148 |col1|col2|Lg(f1)|Lg(f2)|ratio| 657 658 3.912 4.652 0.18 562 562 3.653 4.176 0.30 626 626 3.529 4.184 0.22 1381 1381 4.241 4.512 0.54 1434 1435 3.779 3.816 0.92