2252m253 ; fibres: 146 & 147 g2254452-265324 & g2255051-280813

blue spectrum

red spectrum

Score = 5

2252m253 Notes: 
  146: good cross-talk candidate (confirmed cross-talk)
  146: score =  5 ;   this is the prototype case of cross-talk

g2254452-265324  g2255051-280813
 fibre pair:  146 147
  640  642  6.193  4.411 60.53
  607  607  5.491  4.576  8.22
  544  544  5.125  4.283  6.95
  205  204  4.572  3.821  5.64
 1367 1367  5.516  4.297 16.56