2256m453 ; fibres: 147 & 148 g2259256-475327 & g2258092-473941

blue spectrum

red spectrum

Score = 4

2256m453 Notes: 
  147: score =  4  pretty good candidate; fibre 147 is the bright source
  147: score =  4 ;   walks and quacks like a duck; 147 is the bright source
  148: score =  3 ;   hard to figure this one out
  147: score =  4 ;   this looks like a cros-talk case

g2259256-475327  g2258092-473941
 fibre pair:  147 148
  716  716  4.761  3.660 12.62
  626  626  4.502  3.244 18.11
 1618 1618  4.854  3.675 15.10