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Batch form - pixel data

This form allows you to request the extraction of up to a combined TOTAL of 500 FITS images at a time. Images can be extracted from either or both of the H-alpha/SR bands available. A restriction of 1000 sq arcmin has also been placed on the total area requested. The FITS images are returned as a link to a gzipped tar saveset. Images are sequentially numbered in the order they are extracted. If an image cannot be extracted (eg the region requested is not in a part of the Galactic Plane currently available) then no FITS image is created and that number is skipped.

Note that currently only equatorial co-ordinates are accepted.

Most of the information given in the introduction to the extraction of single images is applicable to the batch mode and can be found here.

Coordinates: input/browse for the full path & filename of the file containing your RAs and Decs here, each line in the file should only contain one RA and Dec in free format eg
01 23 45.12 -63 33 05
02 23 45.1 -50 43 22.2


Size of extracted square: arcmin. (0.2 < size < 15 arcmin)

Survey band: H-alpha/SR (tick at least one box):
H-alpha-    SR-

Finding charts are also provided in postscript format. Please select the number of plots per page. It is often sensible for the number across the page to be the same as or a multiple of the no. waveband(s) selected.

across x down

When you have completed the form, click on the Send button below.

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WFAU, Institute for Astronomy,
Royal Observatory, Blackford Hill
Edinburgh, EH9 3HJ, UK
Tel +44 131 668 8356 (office)
or +44 131 668 8100 (switchboard) 21-Jan-2002

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