Batch form - pixel dataThis form allows you to request the extraction of up to a combined TOTAL of 500 FITS images at a time. Images can be extracted from either or both of the H-alpha/SR bands available as square areas. A restriction of 1000 sq arcmin has also been placed on the total area requested. The FITS images are returned as a link to a gzipped tar saveset. Images are sequentially numbered in the order they are extracted. If an image cannot be extracted (eg the region requested is not in a part of the Galactic Plane currently available) then no FITS image is created and that number is skipped.Note that both equatorial and Galactic co-ordinates are accepted but that the co-ordinates displayed on the associated postscript finding charts for each batch extraction are labelled with J2000 equatorial RA/DEC positions. Most of the information given in the introduction to the extraction of single images is applicable to the batch mode and can be found here.
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WFAU, Institute for Astronomy, M.Read@roe.ac.uk