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Examples for image extraction

The form, Get an Image, requires the user to input coordinates on the sky expressed as Right Ascension (RA) and Declination (Dec).

RA is the astronomical equivalent of longitude, and ranges from 0 hours to 24 hours. RA is further subdivided into minutes and seconds, so that an RA of 01 20 45 equates to 1 hour, 20 minutes and 45 seconds.

Dec is the astronomical equivalent of latitude, and ranges from -90 to + 90 degrees. Again Dec is further subdivided into minutes and seconds, so that a Dec of -17 20 45 equates to -17 degrees, 20 minutes and 45 seconds.

Enter the RA and Dec together in the box provided on the form i.e as
01 20 45 -17 20 45

Currently the whole of the southern sky in UKST B and R is available on line, you should get images returned if you select either of these surveys and input RAs between 0-24 hours and Decs between -90 and +2.5.

Listed below are the coordinates of some interesting objects you might like to try extracting:

Name            RA and Dec         Size      Description
              (equinox J2000)    (arcmin)

Helix       22 29 39.0 -20 49 56    15     Planetary Nebula
NGC1365     03 33 36.4 -36 08 25    15     Galaxy in Fornax
NGC300      00 54 53.6 -37 40 59    15     Large spiral galaxy
Cartwheel   00 37 41.8 -33 42 59     5     Galaxy, after interaction
Abell 140   01 04 38.0 -23 59 06    15     Cluster of galaxies
Abell 2670  23 54 10.0 -10 24 18    15     Cluster of galaxies 
Comet Lovas 23 50 21.2 -17 45 40     5     Comet to left of galaxy
                                           (comet only on UKST blue)

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WFAU, Institute for Astronomy,
Royal Observatory, Blackford Hill
Edinburgh, EH9 3HJ, UK