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Guide to object catalogue data

Objects extracted by the web-form, Get a Catalogue, are described by a set of parameters. These parameters are determined during the SuperCOSMOS Image Analysis mode (IAM).

The extraction form can return a catalogue containing either all the parameters or a useful subset. The subset should satisfy most users requirements.

Apart from the magnitudes in other wavebands and the proper motion all parameters are derived from the measurement of the plate in the primary waveband selected on the form.

A secondary magnitude of 99.999 indicates one of the following:

  • the plate in the seondary waveband does not exist or has not been measured, if this is the case all objects in this waveband for a given field will be entered as 99.999
  • the object is too faint or has a colour that prevents it from being detected on the secondary plate
  • proper motion/pairing problems

Updates to the on-line data and associated access software are listed in the Release History.

Listings of the parameters returned by the "subset" and "full" options are given below.

Parameters returned if "subset" selected

1RADoubleCelestial Right Ascensionradians (FITS), hms (ASCII) or degrees (tab)
2DECDoubleCelestial Declinationradians (FITS), dms (ASCII) or degrees (tab)
4MU_ACOSDRealProper motion in RAmas/yr
5MU_DRealProper motion in Decmas/yr
6SIGMU_ARealError on proper motion in RAmas/yr
7SIGMU_DRealError on proper motion in Decmas/yr
8B_JRealUK-J (Bj) magnitudemags
9R_1RealESO-R or POSS-I E magnitudemags
10R_2RealUK-R magnitudemags
11IRealUK-I magnitudemags
12AREAIntegerTotal area0.7 arsec pixels
13A_IIntegerWeighted semi-major axis0.01 microns (FITS/Tab) or milli-arcsec (ASCII)
14B_IIntegerWeighted semi-minor axis0.01 microns FITS/Tab or milli-arcsec (ASCII)
15P_AIntegerCelestial position angledegrees
16CLASSIntegerClassification flag
17N(0,1)RealN(0,1) profile classification statisticsigma
18BLENDIntegerDeblending flag (0 if not deblended)
19QUALITYIntegerQuality flag
20FIELDIntegerSchmdit field number

Parameters returned if "all" selected

1RADoubleCelestial Right Ascensionradians (FITS), hms (ASCII) or degrees (tab)
2DECDoubleCelestial Declinationradians (FITS), dms (ASCII) or degrees (tab)
4MU_ACOSDRealProper motion in RAmas/yr
5MU_DRealProper motion in Decmas/yr
6SIGMU_ARealError on proper motion in RAmas/yr
7SIGMU_DRealError on proper motion in Decmas/yr
8B_JRealUK-J (Bj) magnitudemags
9R_1RealESO-R or POSS-I E magnitudemags
10R_2RealUK-R magnitudemags
11IRealUK-I magnitudemags
12AREAIntegerTotal area0.7 arsec pixels
13A_IIntegerWeighted semi-major axis0.01 microns (FITS/Tab) or milli-arcsec (ASCII)
14B_IIntegerWeighted semi-minor axis0.01 microns FITS/Tab or milli-arcsec (ASCII)
15P_AIntegerCelestial position angledegrees
16CLASSIntegerClassification flag
17N(0,1)RealN(0,1) profile classification statisticsigma
18BLENDIntegerDeblending flag (0 if not deblended)
19QUALITYIntegerQuality flag
20FIELDIntegerSchmdit field number
21XMINIntegerLeft extent0.01 microns
22XMAXIntegerRight extent0.01 microns
23YMINIntegerBottom extent0.01 microns
24YMAXIntegerTop extent0.01 microns
25IPEAKIntegerBrightest intensity above sky
26MAGRealCOSMOS magnitudemagnitudes
27ISKYIntegerSky intensity at XCEN_I, YCEN_I
28XCEN_IIntegerIntensity weighted X centroid0.01 microns
29YCEN_IIntegerIntensity weighted Y centroid0.01 microns
30A_UIntegerUnweighted semi-major axis0.01 microns
31B_UIntegerUnweighted semi-minor axis0.01 microns
32THETA_UIntegerUnweighted orientationdegrees
33THETA_IIntegerWeighted orientationdegrees
34AP(1)IntegerArea above areal profile level 1pixels
35AP(2)IntegerArea above areal profile level 2pixels
36AP(3)IntegerArea above areal profile level 3pixels
37AP(4)IntegerArea above areal profile level 4pixels
38AP(5)IntegerArea above areal profile level 5pixels
39AP(6)IntegerArea above areal profile level 6pixels
40AP(7)IntegerArea above areal profile level 7pixels
41AP(8)IntegerArea above areal profile level 8pixels
42PRFMAGIntegerSuperCOSMOS profile magnitudemillimags

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WFAU, Institute for Astronomy,
Royal Observatory, Blackford Hill
Edinburgh, EH9 3HJ, UK