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FITS file - V spectrum extension

XTENSION= 'IMAGE   '           / IMAGE extension                                
BITPIX  =                  -32 / number of bits per data pixel                  
NAXIS   =                    2 / number of data axes                            
NAXIS1  =                 1032 / length of data axis 1                          
NAXIS2  =                    3 / length of data axis 2                          
PCOUNT  =                    0 / number of random group parameters              
GCOUNT  =                    1 / number of random groups                        
CRVAL1  =         4773.6860352 / Co-ordinate value of axis 1                    
CDELT1  =         1.6338492632 / Co-ordinate increment along axis 1             
CRPIX1  =               516.00 / Reference pixel along axis 1                   
CTYPE1  = 'LINEAR  '           / coordinate system                              
CUNIT1  = 'Angstroms'          / Units for axis 1                               
CRVAL2  =                 1.00 / Co-ordinate value of axis 2                    
CDELT2  =                 1.00 / Co-ordinate increment along axis 2             
CRPIX2  =                 1.00 / Reference pixel along axis 1                   
CTYPE2  = 'LINEAR  '           / coordinate system                              
CROTA2  =                 0.00 / DEPRECATED - rotation of axis 2                
CD1_1   =             1.633849 / Co-ordinate transformation matrix              
CD1_2   =                 0.00 / Co-ordinate transformation matrix              
CD2_2   =                 1.00 / Co-ordinate transformation matrix              
CD2_1   =                 0.00 / Co-ordinate transformation matrix              
PC001001=                 1.00 / Axis rotation matrix                           
PC001002=                 0.00 / Axis rotation matrix                           
PC002001=                 0.00 / Axis rotation matrix                           
PC002002=                 1.00 / Axis rotation matrix                           
EXTNAME = 'SPECTRUM V'         / V band spectrum                                
NAME_V  = 'g0000531-300714'    / Observed object name V frame                   
TARGET  = 'g0000531-300714'    / matching name in config file                   
OBSRA   =           0.22112500 / Observed RA                                    
OBSDEC  =         -30.12055556 / Observed DEC                                   
MATCH_DR=               0.0006 / position match to TARGET in arcsec             
Z       =             0.039750 / raw measured redshift                          
Z_HELIO =             0.039813 / heliocentric corrected redshift                
QUALITY =                    1 / redshift measurement quality                   
ABEMMA  =                    1 / redshift source abs1 emm2 man3                 
NMBEST  =                    1 / number emission lines for best z_em            
NGOOD   =                    1 / number of good emission lines                  
Z_EMI   =             0.115852 / emission redshift                              
Q_Z_EMI =                    0 / emission redshift quality                      
KBESTR  =                    4 / x-correlation template                         
R_CRCOR =             3.920000 / x-correlation peak                             
Z_ABS   =             0.039746 / x-correlation redshift                         
Q_Z_ABS =                    3 / x-correlation quality                          
Q_FINAL =                    3 / Suggested quality for redshift                 
IALTER  =                    0 / IALTER=1 if automatic z altered                
Z_COMM  = '        '           / runz comment                                   
TITLE_V = '0001m280p1.sds'     / obs title                                      
OBSID_V = 'UK-SCHM.20030726.184315' / obs ID                                    
RUN_V   =                   23 / run no. of ref frame                           
EXP_V   =               1200.0 / exposure (secs) of ref frame                   
NCOMB_V =                    3 / no of combined frames                          
GRATID_V= '580V    '           / grating ID                                     
GBLAZ_V = 'COLLIMATOR'         / blaze direction                                
GAIN_V  =                 0.64 / e/ADU                                          
NOISE_V =                 2.75 / read noise (e)                                 
CCD_V   = 'CCD_102 '           / CCD ID                                         
UTDATE_V= '2003/07/26'         / UT date of observation                         
UTSTRT_V= '18:43:21.0'         / UT time of observation                         
MJDOBS_V=       52846.78010417 / modified Julian date of observation            
THPUT_V =              0.71386 / fibre throughput                               
X_V     =                 1333 / X-position                                     
Y_V     =              -113671 / Y-position                                     
XERR_V  =                   -3 / error on X-position                            
YERR_V  =                   -8 / error on Y-position                            
THETA_V =                 3.57 / fibre angle                                    
FIBRE_V =                    1 / fibre no / CCD row                             
PIVOT_V =                   78 / pivot no                                       
RECMAG_V=                16.94 / magnitude recorded in frame header             
PID_V   =                    1 / PID number                                     

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